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Hera: Queen of the Greek Gods and Goddesses of Mythology

Hera, Queen of the Greek Gods

Hera (Ἥρα) is queen of the gods in Greek mythology and the goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, and family. She is the wife of Zeus and the sister of Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, and Demeter. Hera is often depicted as a beautiful woman with a crown and a scepter and is associated with a lion, cuckoo, peacock. She is known for her jealous and vengeful nature.

Divine Lineage

Hera was born to the Titans, Cronus and Rhea, and is one of the original Olympian deities. She, along with her siblings, were swallowed by their father, Cronus, because of a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him. As the only child saved by Rhea, Zeus eventually grew up and rescued his siblings who grew to adulthood in the stomach of Cronus.

Marriage to Zeus

Her marriage to Zeus, her sibling, solidified her position as Queen, granting her dominion over Olympus and the divine realm. She is often depicted as a regal woman, crowned with a polos (a cylindrical crown) and holding a scepter, symbols of her royal status. However, her relationship with Zeus was often troubled.

Protector of Marriage and Childbirth

Hera's primary role is as the protector of marriage, family, and childbirth. She is the ideal of the married woman, embodying fidelity and devotion (despite her husband's constant betrayals). Women prayed to her for blessings on their marriages and safe childbirth. However, her focus on marital fidelity also led to her intense jealousy and wrath towards Zeus's numerous lovers and their offspring.

Hera was jealous of Zeus' relationships with Europa, Leda, Callisto, Artemis, and others. She often tried to punish them and their offspring. Hera sent snakes to kill Heracles, her infant stepson, but Heracles is saved by his own strength. One origin of the Milky Way stems from Zeus tricking her into nursing the scorned Heracles. Meanwhile, Hera cared for her own children, Ares, Hebe, and Eilithyia.

Power and Vengeance

Hera was a powerful goddess, and she was often able to get her way. However, she was also a vengeful goddess, and her actions often had unintended consequences. Hera is a reminder that even the gods are not immune to the temptations of love and jealousy.

Temples for Hera can be found in Corinth, Olympia, Corfu, Samos, Selinus, Paestum, Agrigento, and Argos.

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