About Chryssa Vardea-Mavromichali
Born in Athens, Greece to a famous family, Chryssa Vardea-Mavromichali worked in a variety of media and was well know for her light art and luminist sculptures. She studied at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris, then sailed to the US in 1954 to study at the California School of Fine Arts in San Franciso. The following year she became a United States citizen and opened a studio in New York where she worked until returning to Greece in 1992.
Chryssa's Art
Chryssa was widely known for her neon, steel, aluminum, and acrylic glass creations, with works in the Rockefeller Collection, the Walker Art Center, Megaron Concert Hall, the Museum of Modern Art, the Galleries Denise Renè, and the Athens National Museum of Contemporary Art.
What Next?
Lived December 31, 1933 to December 23, 2013.